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Kendall E. Nygard

Kendal E. Nygard, PhD, is the Director of the Dakota Digital Academy and Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at NDSU where he joined the faculty in 1977 and served as department chair for 12 years. His many accomplishments include operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School, a research fellowship at the Air Vehicle Directorate of the Air Force Research Lab. In 2013-14, he had the distinctive honor of serving as a Jefferson Science Fellow at the US Agency for International Development in Washington, DC.

Introduction to Dakota Digital Academy

Digital technologies are transforming society and driving revolutionary changes in the world of work. In response, the Dakota Digital Academy (DDA) was founded by the North Dakota University System in the fall of 2020...

Are Self-Driving Cars Safe?

Challenges in Technology, Trust, AI & Cybersecurity On April 17, 2021, a Tesla Model S automobile, equipped with autopilot control, missed a turn and crashed into a tree at high speed, killing both passengers.B. Pietsch,...

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