Invasion from Planet Zircon: AI-Powered Threat to Humanity
Artificial intelligence (AI) is “an alien invasion,” said Yuval Noah Harari recently in a discussion (hosted by The Economist) with Mustafa Suleyman, the cofounder of DeepMind and Inflection AI. “Like somebody … telling us...
Whangdepootenawah!? Technological Disruption & Demographic Collapse ~Part One~
In Ireland in the 1840s, a potato blight precipitated famine during which millions of Irish emigrated to the Americas or starved to death. Centuries earlier, the English took control of the Emerald Isle, and...
[OPINION] Atoms of the World Unite—Or Split
If transitioning to “green” energy (primarily wind and solar) yields only a 6 percent reduction in global CO2 emissions—as shown in Mark Mill’s article, beginning on page 8—how can the U.S., let alone the...
[OPINION] Dune or Done? COVID’s Avoidable Catastrophe
Imagine someone growing up in a vast desert. One day, this young man or woman leaves home and eventually comes to a river for the first time. Down this person sits and decides to...
Closer to the Robo-Rubicon: Robots, Autonomy and the Future (or Maybe Not) of You
Seven years ago, Maj. Gen. Robert Latiff and I wrote an opinion article for the Wall Street Journal, titled “With Drone Warfare, America Approaches the Robo-Rubicon.” The Week, which reviews newspaper and magazine stories...
The Great Boston Fire & Epizootic of 1872
Disease & Technological Transformation
At 7 p.m. on November 9, 1872, a fire started in the basement of a warehouse at the corner of Kingston and Summer Streets in Boston, Massachusetts. Two hours later, the...