Dennis R. Cooley
Ghostbots: Harmful or A New Afterlife?
Ghostbots are AI representations using the deceased’s image, voice and other data to simulate the dead-person’s ante-mortem appearance. No one disagrees that the best AI ghostbots could eventually be sufficiently like the source person...
How AI is Stealing Our Autonomy And What to Begin Doing About It
As a technological tool, artificial intelligence (AI) can free us from trivial or overly complicated busywork to pursue endeavors worthy of what it is to be human. However, perhaps German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s claim—...
A Duty to Use Autonomous Vehicles?
When Safer Than Average Human Drivers
Public opinions on technology run the gamut from the best, most exciting, progressive thing humans create to improve their lives and the world around them, to posing a threat...
Not Naturally So: Digital Education’s Failures Exposed In Post-COVID World
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, we often hear. Considering the drive to online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, that old trope can be updated: Privileged thinking does a nice job...