Dakota digital discussions
A series of webinars that will respond to the ongoing impacts that digitization, artificial intelligence, and autonomous systems are having on our society.
From March 24, 2022
The Dakota Digital Discussions are going to be monthly TED Talk kinds of events that will focus on the implications of the rapid digital transformation of our society.
Technology will play a dominant role in future military preparedness and conflict. At the same time, it is vitally important to consider the ethical, social and cultural implications these emerging weapons systems precipitate. The overarching question is how we prepare for war while minimizing the need to deploy such devastating cyber and kinetic weapons.
During this Dakota Digital Discussion, Latiff will discuss his new book, Future Peace: Technology, Aggression and the Rush to War, which will be published on March 1, in the context articulated by his first book, Future War: Preparing for the New Global Battlefield.
Read the article, Future Peace in Dakota Digital Review: https://dda.ndus.edu/ddreview/future-peace/

The Dakota Digital Discussions is an offspring of the Dakota Digital Academy (DDA). The DDA was founded to help students and professionals develop and
upskill cyber knowledge and skills.